Watch the videos and learn more about Echo Childcare
Who We Are
Why Echo
Parents/guardians’ peace of mind is priceless. You can be sure that you will have stress-free and worry-free working days when your child is with us.
Our Philosophy
Life is an Echo. What you send out, you get back. Our teachers will set a positive example and teach the children to echo back.
Our Teachers
Our teachers are well-trained, passionate, and highly respected. Early childhood educators strive to create a happy, warm, and fun environment for children and families.
Contact us.
Interested in learning more about Echo Childcare? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!
If you know your preferred location, please contact them directly vis email:
Echo Early Learning Center: echokelowna@gmail.com
Echo Academy: echoacademykelowna@gmail.com