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Daily Schedule

Our daily schedule is very flexible to allow for unplanned events or other opportunities that may arise throughout the day.  Some days we do not fit all this in, but we try!

7:30amIndoor play and optional art activity
Play Centers open may include: Dramatic Play, Construction, Science and Math, library and literacy, Blocks and transportation, quiet areas, house play, table learning games, teacher lead center activities, dancing/music and more
9:00amSnack children wash hands before, are encouraged to choose their healthy food. Table manners are taught, food groups and nutritional health is taught. Conversation among children is encouraged.
9:30amAcademic program includes all of the below activities most days. Some days we learn in alternate ways such as drawing in the sand, counting or sorting rocks, finding the rain in puddles and measuring it. Most mornings however include:
Sign in: Children are assisted one on one to print their name and the letter of the week.
Table Time: Learning games are done individually by the children
Circle: All children come to sing, learn the calendar, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, today’s weather. Songs and stories about the theme will also be done.
Art: Art lessons are presented each day, children have many different choices and are welcome to make what they feel like creating that day.
Printing and Pre K learning: Echo uses Handwriting Without Tears program to teach printing skills for children. Beginners will learn how to properly hold the pencil and make lines. Advanced children will print upper then lower case letters.
11:00amOutdoor play. Lots of time to move those big muscles and exercise their lungs. Movement and exploration of the yard is encouraged. Games to keep the children moving and happy will also be done at this time.
12:30pmQuiet time transition to nap
1:00pmRest/nap time. Indoor play and individual skills focus until all children are awake.
3-4pmSnack afternoon snack time is flexible and based on the children’s needs.
3:30pmOutside play with large motor activities: running, climbing, cycling, group and individual games and so much more.

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